Tag: Wills

The Fundamentals of Wills and Estate Planning with Denise Branton (Ep. 11)

The Fundamentals of Wills and Estate Planning with Denise Branton (Ep. 11)

The idea of death and creating a will isn’t fun for anyone. However, it is one of the most important documents you will ever create.

Joined by Denise Branton, lawyer and owner of Branton Law Professional Corporation, Frankie and Sarah delve into the critical topic of wills and estate planning. Denise underscores the necessity for every adult to have a will and the proper ways to go about creating one.

Frankie, Sarah, and Denise discuss:

  • The purpose of a will and how to choose your Executor
  • When to create a will and the importance of doing so
  • The process and criteria for creating a valid will
  • Considerations for business owners when drafting a will
  • The importance of considering digital assets in your will


Connect with Frankie Loreto and Sarah Netley:

Connect with Denise Branton:

About Our Guest:

Denise Branton has been working in the legal services field for 20 years. She got her start as a full-time law clerk working for a firm in Toronto. She earned her law degree from Osgoode Hall Law School in 2005 and was called to the Ontario Bar in 2006. After 5 years of practicing in Toronto, she moved her law practice to Durham Region.

Denise prides herself on providing her clients with grounded and practical perspectives. Focusing on understanding her clients’ needs, so that she can deliver quality services and quality results.

The information provided in this podcast is for information purposes only. It does not reflect changes in law subsequent to the podcast. The distribution of this information is made on the understanding that it does not constitute legal advice. Listeners are advised to consult with a lawyer to discuss the specifics of their own particular situation and estate plan. The contents are intended for general information purposes only and under no circumstances can be relied upon for legal decision-making.

Leaving a Legacy Through Charitable Giving with Frank Cerisano (Ep. 9)

Leaving a Legacy Through Charitable Giving with Frank Cerisano (Ep. 9)

It’s the holiday season, a season of giving, so we’re jumping back into our conversation about estate planning with today’s focus on charitable giving through your Will.

In this episode, Frankie and Sarah speak with Frank Cerisano, CEO of the Bowmanville Hospital Foundation, about leaving a legacy through charitable giving. They discuss the importance of researching charities before leaving a bequest in your Will, the potential issues that can arise with overly restrictive donations, and the key role a lawyer plays in supporting an executor of an estate with charitable gifts. They also discuss the concerns around the proposed changes to the Alternate Minimum Tax rules and how these changes could impact charitable giving across Canada.

Frankie, Sarah, and Frank discuss: 

  • Why it’s important to do your research and find a charity that aligns with your values before leaving a bequest in your Will
  • The differences between donating a fixed sum and leaving the charity a residual interest in the estate
  • Initial steps the executor should take when administering an estate with a large bequest to a charity

Connect with Frankie Loreto and Sarah Netley: 

Connect with Frank Cerisano:

About Our Guest: 

Frank Cerisano is the CEO of the Bowmanville Hospital Foundation. Frank has been in the nonprofit sector for almost 30 years with a specialty in fundraising. He has helped numerous charities all over Ontario, across all of Canada, and down along the eastern seaboard of the United States.